Federally qualified health centers that serve mostly poor and low-income families in distressed or rural communities have always had a tough time recruiting physicians. And now, it's getting even harder. - Steven Ross Johnson, Modern Health Care
Read the full article at: www.modernhealthcare.com
It's getting tougher for federally qualified health centers to recruit physicians because doctors are going after the higher reimbursement rates that come along with choosing a specialty rather than staying in primary care. In addition, while the larger health systems and hospitals have the wherewithal to offer lucrative signing bonuses and financial incentives to prospective employees, community health centers do not.
Health Center Partners of Southern California aims to fix this problem because the community health centers that are vital to the Southern California community no longer have funding sources sufficient to meet the fowing demand for their services - including offering enough incentives for heavilt indebted physiciams to come work for them. As such, Health Center Partners has partnered with national search firms to identify more workers, increase starting salaries, and develop loan forgiveness programs.
Community Health Centers can also recruit and retain top
talent by improving employee benefits - and reduce health
care spending at the same time. Learn more in our whitepaper: