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"Stashed away in the byzantine language of the Affordable Care Act are rules that have caused a big bang-size explosion in health care startups--led by founders who will reinvent the health care industry." -Jeff Bercovici recently commented on the opportunity the ACA presents to entrepreneurs, writing for Inc.
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The Affordable Care Act has opened the doors for start-ups to create innovative solutions to a variety of healthcare needs, especially around the current, less-than-desirable “fee for service” model, shifting toward payment based on patient outcomes. The ACA has the potential to transform the healthcare sector, which represents one sixth of the American economy - about $3 trillion.
"'Anytime you take a sector and apply a whole bunch of regulatory changes and economic incentives to it, it creates enormous opportunities for new entrants to come and take advantage,' says Bob Kocher, a venture capitalist at Venrock in Palo Alto, California. By his tally, the amount of funding going into technology-infused health care startups has more than doubled in the past five years, with $10 billion going into the formation of 500 new companies.”
The influx of startups into the healthcare arena and transition from fee-for-service to outcome-based payment turns creates a simple business proposition - improve health, don't just deliver more healthcare.
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