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Nonstop Wellness - Healthcare for Nonprofits


The Growth of Partial Self-Insurance

In today's competitive job market companies can find it hard to afford to retain quality candidates. For nonprofits specifically, this is even more challenging. How can an organization that isn't self-funded offer benefits that will attract and retain highly skilled individuals? The answer to this lies in more substantial employee healthcare. 

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Health Insurance 101: Common Misunderstood Healthcare Terms

A few years ago, the Journal of Health Economics found that 86 percent of Americans couldn’t define the basic terms associated with their health insurance – deductible, copay, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximum. And in 2016, a survey by PolicyGenius found that 96 percent of Americans overestimate their understanding of these terms, with only 4 percent able to define all four of the above concepts. The correlating result? This lack of knowledge or true understanding is likely leading to increased – and possibly unnecessary – healthcare spending.

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