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Round-Up: Predictions of Business Trends in 2016 and How They’ll Impact Nonprofits

December and January mark the time when round-up lists of every sort hit the stands – predictions for the year to come, best of 2015, and what to watch for in 2016. As such, business publications have put out their projections for 2016’s business trends, which have implications for both for-profits and nonprofits alike. Below is a brief round-up of some of the big topics anticipated in the corporate world this year, and how nonprofits can integrate these ideas into the workplace:

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A Better Solution to Cost-Shifting in Preparation for the (Potential) Cadillac Tax

Photo: DeviantArt

With the recently announced two-year delay of the Cadillac tax (from 2018 to 2020) and the pending presidential election debating the entirety of the ACA, its unclear if the 40% excise tax will ever become a reality. In theory, the tax is meant to reduce employer and employee healthcare spending and help fund the expansion of the ACA.  In reality, companies of all sizes are fighting against it saying that the toll will significantly impact the affordability and accessibility of healthcare for US workers. And with healthcare costs skyrocketing, well beyond normal wage growth and inflation, the Cadillac tax seems almost unavoidable, if it comes to fruition in 2020.

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Nonprofits Have Some Advantages in Non-Monetary Compensation for Employees

Photo: omnihealth.com

Recruitment and retention are always top of mind for nonprofit executives, and rightfully so. According the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonprofits employ 10% of the US working population with a large percentage in health and social services. But attracting – and retaining – top talent continues to be a challenge, especially staying competitive with compensation packages.

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Changes to Healthcare for Same Sex Spouses and Domestic Partnerships

Photo: theblaze.com

As a result of both the US vs Windsor case in 2013 and the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing same sex marriage in all 50 states, same sex spouses are now able to receive spousal support for healthcare, if a company offers that benefit, without any imputation of income from the employed spouse.  Employees with same sex spouses who were previously covered under domestic partner benefits should have implemented a change in marriage status with their employer after the Supreme Court decision to ensure that income was no longer imputed for their spouse.

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New Survey Finds That Health Insurance Does Not Ensure Lower Medical Bills

Photo: buffalocleaningservice.com

Depleting savings, working extra hours, and increasing credit card limits are just a few of the strategies 20% of insured US workers are undertaking in order to cover at least some of their excessive medical costs. This is according to a Kaiser Family Foundation/New York Times survey released on January 5th, which shows that 1/5th of Americans who are insured are facing significant economic challenges due to medical bills that are unaffordable. 

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IRS Extends ACA Filing Deadlines for Employer Mandate

The New Year brought good news for those employers required to file tax returns reflecting healthcare coverage for the first time. The IRS and the Department of Treasury have extended deadlines for the employer mandate (also known as “pay or play”) for both employee notifications and filing with the IRS.

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ACA Changes on the Horizon for 2016

Photo: Refe

The New Year is upon us and although many organizations will remain in a 2015 state-of-mind with regard to tax returns, it is imperative that planning for changes to the ACA in 2016 be happening simultaneously. Below is a brief run-down on what businesses can expect to shift for them in the next 12 months:

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Nonstop and the Center for Nonprofit Management To Offer  Four-Day Leadership Training for Southern California Nonprofits

Nonstop for Nonprofits program subsidizes the cost for
an exclusive training to elevate board leadership

Non-traditional healthcare broker Nonstop and the Center for Nonprofit Management (CNM) have partnered to offer independent sector organizations in Southern California an in-depth training designed to strengthen executive and board leadership.  Through the Nonstop for Nonprofits program, Nonstop has granted $25,000 to CNM to fund the Nonprofit Board Excellence Training – a multi-day workshop that will use collaborative “action-learning” to focus on board leadership and oversight, governance and performance, and financial sustainability and fund development.

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Top 6 Tips to Help Your Employees Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season

Photo: Refe

The holiday season is a frantic time of year and it coincides with cold and flu season - add on top of that employees stretched thin due to work and family responsibilities, and self-care, like exercise, good nutrition, and sleep can fall by the wayside. This puts employee engagement at risk.

According to Forbes, healthy employees are essential to a high-functioning organization. Employees’ general awareness is directly related to success in the workplace, and sick employees (whether acutely ill or chronically ill) cannot focus as well on their work as healthy ones. Healthy employees who are aware of their responsibilities and can keep a clear head are better able to stay organized and to manage their stress. Encouraging and managing self-care to promote overall wellness culture in the workplace should be a primary objective, and your organization can promote a lifestyle that leads the way to better health for employees.

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Looking Ahead to 2016 – Avoiding Unintended ACA Penalties in the Coming Year

Photo: calendarswamp.blogspot.com

It may seem premature to begin thinking about 2017 tax season when we haven’t even started in on the 2016 one yet, but when it comes to the ACA earlier is always better.  Especially if your organization is – or will be  - an applicable large employer (ALE) in 2016, and required to offer 95% of employees affordable healthcare. Understanding all of the employer mandates – from dependent care, to cafeteria plans, to the shared responsibility requirement – is absolutely crucial to planning for 2016 and essential to saving potentially multiple thousands of dollars in penalties.

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