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2016 Tax Season: IRS Releases Draft Reporting Forms and Increased Penalty Amounts

In 2016 employers who provide minimum essential coverage to employees will be required to begin mandatory reporting of employee health coverage. In addition applicable large employers (ALEs) will be required to report compliance with the employer shared responsibility provisions (e.g. “pay or play”). To help organizations prepare for new reporting mandates, the IRS is disseminating information around reporting guidelines and penalties.

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Fees for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Due July 31, 2015

If your organization sponsors a self-insured plan, you may be on the hook to contribute to the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Research Trust Fund by July 31, 2015. This fee applies to applicable self-insured plans, including health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) that don’t qualify as excepted benefits. In addition, employers who provide COBRA coverage and major medical coverage that falls under multiple policies or plans may also be obligated to contribute to PCORI.

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The 2016 Renewal Season: Determining What Employees Want and Need

Our final post in the series about preparing for the 2016 renewal season discusses how to better satisfy both employee needs and your bottom line by designing more customized healthcare options (previous posts looked at compliance and cost). 

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The 2016 Renewal Season: Making Health Coverage More Cost-Effective

Over the past week, we have been looking at how nonprofits can prepare for the 2016 healthcare renewal season (which goes into effect November 1), specifically with regards to compliance, cost, and employee needs. In this post, we will discuss innovative approaches to health coverage that can actually reduce costs while still offering rich employee benefits.

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The 2016 Renewal Season: Thinking About Compliance

In a previous post, we overviewed three main areas that nonprofits should consider before the 2016 healthcare renewal season begins on November 1: compliance, cost-effectiveness, and employee needs.  In this post, we’ll look more closely at compliance, specifically grandfathered plans, applicable large employer (ALE) status, and new IRS reporting requirements.

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What Every Nonprofit Should Consider Before The 2016 Healthcare Renewal Season

As we near the halfway point of 2015, it’s a good time to look ahead to the 2016 healthcare renewal season (open enrollment begins November 1). Specifically, is your current plan 1) in compliance with ACA; 2) cost-effective; and 3) being used to its fullest capacity by employees?  Below is an overview of these three topics, including specific areas to consider as you evaluate the efficacy of your current offerings and decide how to move forward for 2016.

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Are You on Track with Healthcare Reform Requirements?

As we approach the mid-way point of the 2015 tax year, it’s a good time to check in on health reform mandates to ensure you are in compliance with ACA.  Whether your organization is fully-insured, self-insured, or partially self-insured, there are a number of mandates that are worth clarifying and confirming as you move forward with your health insurance plans.

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Premium Reimbursement Plans Not in Compliance with ACA, Subject to Heavy Fines

With a looming deadline of July 1, 2015 for small businesses to make changes in their premium reimbursement plan practices, it’s a good time to review options for staying in compliance with the ACA.  As background, in previous months the IRS, the Department of Labor (DOL), and Health and Human Services (HHS) all released FAQ around premium reimbursement plans for individual health coverage. Specifically, the FAQs state that premium reimbursement plans, also known as employer payment plans, are out of compliance with the ACA and therefore are subject to heavy excise taxes of up to $100/day for each employee affected.  For one employee, this could mean $36,500/year in fees.

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Dos and Don’ts of Corporate Wellness Programs

Corporate wellness programs are the norm nowadays, with many organizations implementing activities and incentives to increase employee wellbeing and save money. And the EEOC recently issued guidelines around incentives and voluntary activities, providing employers with more clarity around offerings. But a wellness program is only as good as the people who use – and benefit – from it, whether that is employees who take on a healthier lifestyle or employers who reap the financial and productivity benefits of a healthier workforce.

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New Survey Rates Healthcare Benefits As Most Important for Employees

Despite questions around the future of employer-sponsored healthcare, American workers still rate healthcare benefits as the most important consideration when choosing a new job. recent survey conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (www.ebri.orgprovides information about employees’ feelings toward current employer-sponsored healthcare offerings and what changes they would like to see in the future:

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