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Consumer Healthcare: Out-Of-Pocket Costs Rise, While Revolving Credit Decreases

Despite the fact that the PPACA is meant to lower healthcare costs, a new report from TransUnion Healthcareshows that consumer out-of-pocket expenses have actually increased 11% from 2013 to 2014, while at the same time deductibles have risen by 7% and revolving credit has declined.  Specifically, according to TransUnion the ratio of revolving credit to healthcare costs has decreased from 15.2:1 in 2013 to 13.5:1 in 2014, but out-of-pocket expenses have increased by almost $250 (from $2245 to $2491).  This means that consumers have less money available to pay for ever-increasing healthcare costs.

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Proposed New Rules from the EEOC Provide Clarification for Wellness Programs

On April 20, 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) proposed new rules around employee wellness programs, especially as they relate to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Specifically the proposed rules provide further clarification around what constitutes a “voluntary” program, how incentives can be used, confidentiality of medical information, and accommodations for those employees who are unable to participate in an incentivized wellness program.

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IRS Releases New Information for HSAs and HDHPs for 2016

In early May, the IRS released new information around 2016 eligibility and contribution limits for health savings accounts (HSAs), as well as minimum deductions for HDHPs (high deductible health plans) and caps on out-of-pocket expenses incurred with HDHPs.  According to the IRS, an HSA is “a tax-exempt trust or custodial account you set up with a qualified HSA trustee to pay or reimburse certain medical expenses you incur.”

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Potential Tax Changes for Nonprofits

In February 2014 David Camp (R-Mich; former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee) authored a bill regarding tax policy changes for nonprofits.  Proposed changes included executive compensation caps, tighter limits around charitable tax deductions, and mandatory five-year payouts of donor-advised funds.

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Updates to the Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practices

In late February 2015 the Independent Sector released its updates to the Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practices, a set of 33 principles that guide self-governance for nonprofit organizations and foundations.  The 2015 edition is the first time these principles have been significantly updated since they were initially released in 2007. 

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Consumer Health: Don’t Just Sit There

For most of us, sitting is just part of the job. We sit at our desks, we sit in meetings, we sit at lunch.  Then maybeafter work we finally get out of the office and move our bodies through exercise.  But even if we power through a grueling 60-minute workout, new research shows that it won’t cancel out all that sitting from earlier in the day – and it doesn’t guarantee our health. In fact, even those who meet the public health guidelines for exercise may have elevated health risks if they sit for too long.

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Nonprofit Healthcare: Looking Ahead to 2018 and the Cadillac Tax

Beginning in 2018, organizations that provide high-cost employer-sponsored healthcare to employees will be required to pay a non-deductible excise tax, dubbed the “Cadillac tax.”  Organizations that afford more than $10,200 per individual and $27,500 per family for employee healthcare will be taxed 40% of the overage amount (pre-tax employer contributions to HRAs, HSAa, FSAs, and MSAs are included). By 2018, the American Health Policy Institute predicts that 38% of large employers (with more than 1000 employees) will have to pay the tax, and 17% of all businesses in the US will be responsible for payment.

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Corporate Healthcare: Final IRS Forms for Reporting Healthcare Coverage are Released

While healthcare coverage reporting isn’t mandatory for applicable large employee (ALE) members until 2016 (for the 2015 tax year), many organizations want to get a jump start on identifying exactly what that reporting will look like for future returns.  As such, the IRS has finalized forms 1094-C and 1095-C, which can be filed on a voluntary basis for 2014 tax returns.

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Leverage Social Media Effectively

Keeping up with social media is a key aspect of marketing for nonprofits. But it can also be an overwhelming task considering how quickly new social media outlets come on board and how much information passes through them each day. 

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Top Ten 2015 Nonprofit Conferences

We’re already a month into the new year, and you’re looking for new information to improve the performance of your nonprofit: Are you considering alternate marketing strategies? Interested in learning about a recent piece of software or technology? Or is there a certain segment of the philanthropic population you just can’t seem to crack? Here, in chronological order, are suggestions for some of the top conferences in the United States for nonprofits to gather, exchange information, and generally up their game in 2015:

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