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Explore expert insights, tips, tools, and articles created to help your organization navigate the healthcare landscape.

Employee satisfaction high but workers still want better benefits - Benefits Pro

Photo: BenefitsPro

Rebecca Greenfield from Bloomberg writes for Benefits Pro about a strange new contradiction in the workplace - employee satisfaction is at its highest level in 10 years, yet workers report low satisfaction with their benefits, compensation, time off, and "respectful treatment of employees" at work, according to an annual survey of 600 employees by the Society for Human Resource Management.

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Workers Overwhelmed by Healthcare Decisions - Benefits Pro

Image: iStock

Jack Craver writes for Benefits Pro about how a recent study by Alegeus demonstrates the stress and overwhelm many consumers feel when faced with healthcare decisions. Topping the list are how to plan for out-of-pocket costs (2/3rds of respondants) and choosing a benefits plan (55%).

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Obamacare’s Skyrocketing Premiums? Why the Sky Isn’t Falling - NEJM

Benjamin D. Sommers takes a look at why the annual Spring panic around premium increases for ACA marketplace plans is “overblown.” The fact that most increases will be reduced before open enrollment and that most consumers received premium tax credits are both cited as reasons the initial proposed increases are not a big deal.

Read the full article on The New England Journal of Medicine.

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Healthcare spending growth rate rises again in 2015 - Modern Healthcare

Bob Herman writes for Modern Healthcare, “The U.S. healthcare system spent $3.2 trillion in 2015, or almost $10,000 for every person, according to the latest federal projections."

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Obamacare didn't lead to cuts in job-based health coverage - CNBC

Dan Mangan recently wrote about Obamacare for CNBC, stating that "There were no significant differences in the percentages of adults getting or being offered health insurance through an employer."

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The Most Important Question A CEO Should Ask Their HR Leader - Forbes

Dave Chase advocates for CEOs to question where health plan documents that their organization operates under come from – internally or from the health plan carriers themselves?

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As healthcare costs continue to rise, employees shoulder the burden - Benefits News

A TransUnion Healthcare study has found more evidence that employees are bearing the brunt of healthcare costs in the form of deductibles and OOP maximums, with a 13 percent rise in both between 2014-2015. 

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6 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Rising Health Care Costs - Forbes

"With health care costs jumping in 2016, Americans should prepare for the unexpected," writes Lucy Mueller for Forbes.

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How the right healthcare benefits can increase employee engagement

Matt Straz recently wrote for Entrepreneur about why employers' engagement strategies aren't hitting their marks, citing only a 1.1% increase in employee engagement over the last five years (according to Gallup).

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The Next Big Debate in Health Care - The Wall Street Journal

Drew Altman, President and Chief Executive of the Kaiser Family Foundation, shares his perspective on how affordable the Affordable Care Act really is, for both those insured in the marketplace and through employers.

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